Lay Liturgists

Pastor Becka asks Geneva congregants to consider assisting in our worship services. Depending on the service, the need might be for leading prayers and/or various readings. A sign-up sheet for upcoming services can be found in the gathering space. You can also contact the church office and sign up that way.
When you sign up for a service, more information about how you will assist will be sent to you early the week prior to your helpfulness date. Thank you for considering this act of faith!
Music Ministry
Wayne Hallinen, our music director invites singers of high interest and various choir experience to join in a joyful noise. Rehearsals will be on most Thursdays (consult our calendar on the Geneva website) at 7:00 PM in the sanctuary.
Geneva Bell Ringers are also inviting new members! Come join the fun on Monday nights starting September 26th at 7 PM. You don’t need to be able to read music, we help you color code your music, and learn simple counting skills. This is open to both youth and adults. Contact the church office or Carol Bunch, bell choir director, for more information.
Join our Joyful Chords Ukulele Group
The next rehearsal for Geneva’s ukulele group, the Joyful Chords, will be on Tuesday, January 21 at 4:30 PM. If you are interested in joining this plucky group, no matter your skill level, they’d love to welcome you to learn songs to share with Geneva.
Coffee Servers

Those of you who like to start committing to acts of kindness early might like to sign up to be a Geneva Coffee Server in 2024. Coffee and other refreshments are served after worship on the third Sunday of the month. Take a look at the sign-up sheet next time you are in the gathering space, and thank your for your service!
Geneva Quilters
Geneva Quilters are in full swing! Come join in for some fellowship. You do not need to be able to sew! Quilting will be the first and third Wednesday evenings of each month, 6:30-8:30PM throughout the year. All are welcome! Younger children thru middle school age must be accompanied by a parent. See Charlene Jones or Cheryl Sprague, or contact the church office for more information.