Lighthouse Harbor
We believe that children are the church of today and tomorrow and therefore integrate them, with their God-given gifts and talents, into the full life of the church. We welcome all children to explore their faith through a variety of Children’s Ministry opportunities:
Sunday mornings:
Infants and toddlers (2 years and younger) are able to play in a safe and welcoming environment in our nursery. Children are welcome to stay for the entire service, or arrive after the children’s message during worship.
Each Sunday, right after the children’s message in worship, our preschool age through 5th grade children will head down to our Lighthouse Harbor area for their own program:
- Our preschoolers through fifth grade children are invited to participate in Kids’ Own Worship (KOW) in the Lighthouse Harbor. KOW includes Bible reading, games, stories, songs, art, prayer and other age-appropriate activities to help our children grow closer to God. All of the children learn/worship together. In this setting, the older children often offer mentorship and help to the younger children. An offering is collected each week to benefit one of our ongoing mission projects.
We offer various fellowship and mission activities and events for children and their families throughout the year.

Register now for Geneva Church’s 2024 Christmas Fun for kids 4yrs -5th grade to be held Friday, December 6 from 6:00-8:00 PM. Click the photo to register.
Parents can drop their children off for a fun 2 hours! We’ll offer lots of holiday crafts and games and even include pizza!
Registration fee: $10 per child.
All students must be preregistered and prepaid. Sorry, no walk-ins accepted.
We have a limited number of spots available.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Nancy at
For more information or questions please E-mail Nancy Glodich, Director of Children’s Ministry.
Geneva Presbyterian follows a Child, Youth and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy. We are committed to providing a safe environment for worship and learning for people of all ages. A Ministry with Minors application must be approved for all adults and teens working with children and youth. For applications, forms and other information relating to this policy, please click here.